Thursday, April 12, 2012

Oh yea

Going to a meetup tonight. On SEO and tings of dat sort.

Training Day 1. Get Ready for Revolution

Three practices for blogging on your companies website.

This webinar so far has given me some good info and im 15 minutes in. Sidebars with dropdowns. keeps it clean and options open, but not clustered. that last sentence was just a reminder of what i was listening to as i type. Tryin to make some notes but good info keeps streaming.


                 1st strategy.

Always remember people want to avoid discomfort. If choosing your product causes more discomfort than the status quo, you will be left behind. You MUST make them feel uncomfortable with the status quo.

for example..... Cd's vs mp3 players.

the status quo was cd's. everyone had a cd collection. and spend hundreds of dollars on products that can be scratched and ruined. most songs on albums suck, so they paid for music they did not like. mp3's can be downloaded and purchased online, instantly, wont degrade blah blah blah. you must make that cd collected feel uncomfortable with all these cd's to make him buy the mp3 player.

                 2nd Strategy.

Blog about wide subjects. NOT YOUR PRODUCT. hotels blog about travel locations and traveling in general to widen the audience coming into their website. blog about a wide subject. for the coffee machine, blog about espresso and different kinds of coffee. where coffee comes from and the lifestyle of the coffee growers. what nation does all this coffee come from? fun facts on coffee growing countries. lifestyle of coffee drinkers. office jokes.

                 3rd Strategy.

A blog is something that does not really show results. and it never ends. if you are going to start, you cant stop. respond in a timely manner.

                  4th Strat.

You can pick a few of your biggest fans and have them do your blogging for you. Evangelists and die hard fans can be your best workers for next to nothing. Reminds me of the VIP status and Moderators on forums.