Tuesday, May 8, 2012

File Sharing: A New Renaissance?

A thought occurred. Advanced software applications today are costly, rare, and only can be obtained by a select few who have the resources to obtain them. Even once they are obtained, it takes a certain amount of training to use them properly. You must be literate of the software you have in your possession. But with the advent of the internet, these advanced software programs are being cracked and shared around the world. And once obtained, users who are literate are posting tutorials on how to wield the power of the program. Or you can purchase training programs for nearly nothing.

This is not unlike books before the printing press. Priests held the power of literacy which meant they could decipher the Bible any which way they pleased. For political agendas, power, or to suppress the commoners. My point is, now with file sharing and the internet, we common folk are becoming literate. Our eyes and minds are opening up to see the real truth, the real light. Just as if we were stuck in Plato's cave and were released to see sunlight for the first time.

What made books so powerful was the knowledge they contained. Knowledge which gave the individual the power to make their own decisions or become independent of uneducated thought. The printing press took much power away from these tyrants. The cost of books soon reached levels where peasants could purchase and read them if desired. This in turn created a widespread literacy rate among the human species which created innovation and was the beginning of the age of enlightenment. We have taken tremendous strides since those times. And I believe filesharing has taken the power away from the tyrants of today. The common folk now have access to the most powerful software programs in the world at the click of a button. Call it illegal, call it immoral, call it whatever you desire. I call it progress. I call it brilliant. This is a new age.

K, back to reading my book.

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