Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Over My Head

This was the first WordPress meetup I was able to attend.... and it was.... good? I was pretty much lost the entire time I was there. They kept tossing jokes around about PHP, other languages and technical jargon. Everyone laughed, I was watching some people and it looked like they were laughing just because everyone else was so I don't feel i was the only one who was not getting these nerd jokes. I was pretty upset because nerd jokes are the best kind of jokes. 

But otherwise there was free pizza and beer. Mmmmm pizza and beer, this place wasn't messing around let me tell you. The company was good and the information was even better. I learned about certain security measures to protect your clients, as well as your website in case of attack. Scanner services, proactive protection, and detection. It was all good info. I look forward to the next one. And I found out there is a WordPress Camp that will be held this summer that is sponsored by WP Engine. Sweet. Tickets are $20, your damn right I'm showing up.

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